On Page SEO Best Practices
On-Page SEO Best Practices are very useful, in fact not using these will likely hurt your chances of getting a website ranked in the search engines.
A common mistake people make when publishing a website starts with naming the page. Properly naming each file of a website is a critical step in obtaining good search engine optimization. The page title is one of the most important elements for obtaining good search results. Without it, search engines can easily categorize your pages incorrectly.
As an experiment I published a web page titled, untitled document to see just how well it will rank in the search engines for the keyword “Untitled Document”. My goal was to prove that good SEO practices can help a website rank well for almost any keyword phrase.
NOTE: If your website is ranking in the search engines for the keyword phrase “Untitled Document” you should change your page title. Chances are that no one is looking for your business, products or services using these keywords and you would have much better success in the search engines using the proper keywords to identify your website.
Presently there are nearly 11,900,000 records found in Google for the phrase “untitled document”. Good keyword research is an important part of search engine optimization and you should know what you’re up against.
Attempting to get any page to the top of Google for your desired keyword involves many different techniques. Some are still considered black hat or SEO trickery, but simply using smart SEO strategies to increase the pagerank of a page is still considered a best practice by Google.
The list below are the general rules to follow, when building a web page. Failure to follow these steps could ultimately keep you from reaching a desired position in the search engines.
- File Name – When naming your files be sure to include the keyword phrase in the file name.
- The Meta title of your page should includes the keyword phrase you want to rank for.
- H1 tag should match your page title and include the keywords or phrase you want to rank for.
- Meta Description – Be sure to include the keyword phrase in the meta description
- Meta Keyword Tag – Google claims this tag has no weight, but it is still a good practice to include your keyword phrase in the meta keywords tag
- Page title – This is also call the (H1 tag), it should be set as close to the body tag as possible
- Bold Text – Be sure to include at least 1 bold or underlined instance of the keyword phrase in the content
- Bulleted Lists – Pages that include a bulleted list are proven to have a higher page authority value (this is a big SEO secret so don’t tell anyone)
- Page Content – Your page content should incorporate Latent Symantic Indexing elements to help bots (spiders) correctly identify and catalog the page
Off-Site SEO (Bonus)
- External Links – There is at least one external link pointing to this page from another website
- That link includes the keyword phrase that I’m targeting
- The site that links to this page has a high PR and is heavily trafficked
The missing element
Good SEO practices can only help a website so much. In order for a website to truly rank well for a desired keyword phrase, audience participation is required. In other words, your website visitors need to show search engines that your content is worthy of their attention.
How do you encourage visitors to share your content? By providing quality content and asking them to share.
- Post comments and questions in the section provided
- Share the article on Social Media websites
- Link to this page from your blog or website using the following html code
<!–Start Link–>
<a href=”https://amistudios.com/on-page-seo-best-practices/” target=”_blank”><strong>On-Page SEO Best Practices</strong></a><br>On-Page SEO Best Practices are vital for Search Engine Optimization strategies and affect the placement of a web page even if the page is untitled.
<!–End Untitled Document Link–>
Learn more about Search Engine Optimization
Here are several web promotion articles I’ve written to help others learn more about SEO.