Web Samurai’s Web Design Checklist describes the basic requirements needed for building a website. Whether a professional web designer is working with you to create your website, or you opt for the DIY path, this list will help you determine what you need to get started.
Once you have the required elements and decided what content to include in your online presence, you’re ready to determine cost and time frame to complete the project.

Web Design Checklist
- Domain Registration Account (click link to register your domain name)
- Web Hosting * (click link to setup your hosting account)
These components are available through Web Samurai. However if you chooses to obtain these services through a different provider, we will work with that provider. If you do choose your own provider additional costs may be incurred due to the different configuration requirements associated with different providers.
(Provided By Client)
- Company Logo
- Company Colors
- Company Slogan
- Personal Photos
- Stock Photography (click link to find royalty free stock photos for your site)
(It’s best if you obtain your own Stock Photography prior to or during the planning phase of your project.) - Any Printed Material (brochures, flyers, catalogs etc.)
- Biographies of Principals and Management
- Company History
- Mission Statement
- Products or Services
- Product Photos
- Product Descriptions
- Pricing
- Testimonials
- Frequently Asked Questions
- List of your Favorite Websites to help determine style and layout of website
- Competing Websites or Similar Websites
- Keyword Research (click link to learn more about SEO and keyword research for your website)
* Search Engine Optimization is a separate service.
(Provided By Client)
- Company Address
- Phone Number for website
- Email for Client’s
- Merchant Account * (click link to setup merchant account)
- PayPal (alternative to merchant account)
- Stripe (alternative to merchant account)
- Shipping Account *
- Static IP Number
- SSL Certificate (click link to purchase SSL Certificate)
- Shopping Cart Application (Web Samurai recommends WooCommerce with WordPress)
Laws are constantly changing but the following documents will typically cover most requirements by State and Federal regulations. Be sure to educate yourself further on these topics to avoid any legal issues you might run into.
- Terms of Service
- Shipping / Return
- Privacy Policy
Note: It is your responsibility to insure that the items listed in this Checklist are made available to your web developer prior to the start of production in order to avoid delays. The successful completion of a website will require access to each of these items and accounts in order to properly manage and develop the site.